Park Shoreline Restorations
Last year, Riverside Conservancy identified three estuarian waterside parks within the city of Edgewater, Florida as high priority restoration areas. These public parks include Menard-May, George R. Kennedy Memorial, and Veteran’s Memorial. This year, RC will continue facilitating the restoration by creating living shorelines, which are riverfront or coastal areas that are vegetated with native plants.
The restoration of shorelines (by planting aquatic grasses and mangroves and restoring oyster beds) filters pollution that would otherwise flow into waterways and ground water after rain storms. Because shoreline plants and oysters are nature’s water filters, living shorelines benefit the overall health of our citizens through cleaning our waterways and drinking water, creating habitats for wildlife, protecting our homes and businesses from storm surge, and best of all, making our parks beautiful!
These three highly popular riverfront parks are an important target for restoration, because they drain into the Indian River Lagoon. By restoring living shoreline to these and other highly visible areas, we will be able to demonstrate to all visitors the environmental, cultural, educational, and economic value of living shorelines for our area.
Veteran’s Memorial Park in Edgewater, FL